Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Amusing Myself to Death by reading this book...

As Neil Postman brings his novel to a close, he caps off his final chapter by making a few concluding solutions.  One result that Postman organizes is that people are unaware of the content they are viewing.  The generalization is that we are laughing without realizing meaning.  Do we know the purpose behind our laughter?  The point Postman is trying to make is that people are laughing without thinking.  With entertainment hoarding our lives,  we begin to think less and less without caution.  Television is one of the main sources of junk.  TV serves society best with junk programs.  Television is dangerous when attempting to be serious.  Important, educational films like, documentaries and news programs are degrading themselves.  People can be watching these shows without knowing what's going on.  This goes to show that people have obtained the ability of being amused without knowing what is going on.  Neil Postman's last chapter is a solid wrap-up to his novel, Amusing Ourselves to Death because he is making his distinct points and opinions known. 

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