Neil Postman's soul purpose in his novel and video interview at Calvin College was to reveal that public figure relies heavily on entertainment. The title of his novel, Amusing Ourselves to Death unveils so much about society. In his text, Postman explains how entertainment has affected all public discourse. He shows that people do not care if their communication has lost all meaning, just as long as they are being amused. Postman says it best on page three, "We are people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death". We are a changing era. With the "Age of Exposition", we are caught in the new, deadly types of media.
In Postman's interview, he touches base with how we as people are becoming "pets" to our technology. Society is always looking for the next, best thing. As we anticipate new technology, we become more comfortable and in-depth with our simple machines. During the interview, Postman brings up the art of cloning and how soon it will become natural in our world. He mentions how a sheep, frog, and even a jungle monkey were all created through this process. Society relies on technology so much, that we are willing to clone actual, human beings for certain purposes in life. This is enough evidence alone to show that technology is taking over our daily lives. People trust and put their lives within technology's hands. That is the point that Neil Postman is trying to make. People are becoming more and more dependent on technology. Scoreboard: Technology: 1 People: 0
i like how you made the point that cloning will become a natural part of our world